Our Team
Keramet Reiter
Faculty Director
Criminology, Law & Society;
School of Law
David John Frank
Faculty Co-Director
Annie McClanahan
Faculty Co-Director
Associate Professor
Pavan Kadandale
Faculty Co-Director
Associate Professor of Teaching, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Jennifer Gomez
Assistant Director
Tatyana Hazelwood
Program Coordinator
Ananda Van Boeyen
Formerly Incarcerated / Systems Impacted Counselor
Katie Tinto
Re-Entry Legal Consultant
Clinical Professor of Law
Valerie Jenness
Co-Founder & Advisor
Criminology, Law & Society;
Sociology; Nursing Science
Carroll Seron
Co-Founder & Advisor
Professor, Emerita
Criminology, Law & Society
LIFTED Campus Advisory Committee
Sharnia Artis, Assistant Dean of Office of Access and Inclusion, Samueli School of Engineering
Richard Arum, Former Dean, School of Education, Professor, Sociology and Education
Martha Patricia Diaz Avendano, Lecturer, Economics
Elizabeth Bennett, University Registrar
Heidi Beezley, Manager of Instructional Design, School of Social Ecology
Sharon Block, Professor, History
Aaron Bornstein, Assistant Professor, Cognitive Sciences
Long Bui, Associate Professor, Global & International Studies
Beth Cauffman, Professor, Psychological Science
Hector Cervantes, Director, UCI Underground Scholars Program
Bernard Choi, Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Gilberto Conchas, Professor, School of Education
Stephanie Dailey, Project Manager, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Mike Dennin, Dean of Undergraduate Education & Vice Provost
Derek Dunn-Rankin, Professor & Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
David Fedman, Associate Professor, History
Marcello Fiocco, Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Programs, Philosophy
David Frank, Chair, Sociology
Brandy Gatlin-Nash, Assistant Professor, School of Education
Julia Gelfand, University Librarian
Liz Glynn, Associate Professor, Department of Art
Nancy Guerra, Dean, School of Social Ecology
Kaaryn Gustafson, Professor, School of Law
Cynthia Haq, Professor & Chair, Family Medicine
Pheather Harris, Program Director, California Alliance for Minority Participation
Doug Haynes, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Diversity
Joanna Hernandez, Director of Student Success Initiatives (SSI)
Matt Huffman, Professor (& Former Chair), Sociology
Kevin Huie, OVPTL Executive Director of Educational Equity and Excellence
David Igler, Professor, History
Nicole Iturriaga, Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law & Society
Susan Jarratt, Professor Emerita, Comparative Literature, School of Humanities
Peter Knapp, Professor of Film & Media Studies, Informatics, English, and Music
Dale Leaman, Executive Director of the Office of Undergraduate Admission
Jeff Lefkoff, Associate Executive Vice Chancellor Emeriti
Mona Lynch, Professor, Department of Criminology, Law & Society
Danielle Primavera, Director of Undergraduate Advising, School of Social Ecology
JB Manchak, Professor, Logic & Philosophy of Science
Cheryl Maxson, Professor Emerita, Criminology, Law & Society
Annie McClanahan, Associate Professor, English
Joseph Morales, Assistant Director for Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Office of Inclusive Excellence
Adey M. Nyamathi, Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor, Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
Richard Pattis, Professor of Teaching, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Danielle Primavera, Director, Social Ecology Undergraduate Affairs
Duncan Pritchard, Distinguished Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Philosophy
Amelia Regan, Professor, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Hugh Roberts, Associate Professor, English
Gabe Rosales, Underground Scholar & Criminology, Law & Society Doctoral Student
Rubén G. Rumbaut, Distinguished Professor, Sociology
Diego Russo, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering & Director, UCI WEX Center
Brian Sato, Associate Dean, Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation and Professor
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Jeanne Scheper, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies
Christopher Seeds, Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law & Society
Ken Simons, Professor, School of Law
Charles Anthony Smith, Professor, Political Science
Judith Stepan-Norris, Professor Emerita, Sociology
Sabrina Strings, Professor, Sociology
Katie Tinto, Director, Criminal Justice Clinic and Clinical Professor, School of Law
Pablo Victoria Torres, Lecturer, Sociology
Kristin Turney, Professor, Sociology
Susan Turner, Professor Emerita, Criminology, Law & Society
Elizabeth van Es, Associate Professor; Associate Dean, School of Education
Ian Williamson, Dean, Paul Merage School of Business
Michael Yassa, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, School of Biological Sciences