LIFTED Student Corner
Welcome to the UC Irvine LIFTED Student Corner. This page includes stories from currently incarcerated students at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility who are currently working towards their B.A. These stories highlight a wide range of topics that students feel best describe their lives as incarcerated students and family members.
My Transformational Journey
In this essay, incarcerated UCI LIFTED student Kelly McCleod shares how having access to higher eeducation while incarcerated helped him regain his love for learning, and more importantly, his belief in himself.
Cultivated Mind
In this essay by incarcerated LIFTED student Azeez Momoh, he reflects on the impact that education has had on his life and how it has transformed his thinking and given him a new life purpose.
Restore Voting Rights to All Californians
Restore Voting Rights to All Californians By Babak Azadgilani Recently California restored voting rights to felons on parole. This was a positive step towards reintegrating formerly incarcerated people back into society. However, California can do more by restoring...
My Day Job as a Clerk and Tutor
My Day Job as a Clerk and Tutor Before I attend UC Irvine in the evenings, there is a special place where I am at from 8am to 3pm. This place is the Otay Mesa Adult School at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility. I work in one of the GED classrooms. Many...
Bear and the POOCH Program
Bear and the POOCH Program It is here at the UCI - RJD campus that we have a lot of activities going on that I feel you should all get to hear about from an insider. So, in this first installment it will be about the service dog training program we have. The...